Welcome to the blog site for the Wyche & Colwall Horticultural Society. Keep up to date with the speakers that are due to come, and those that have been, as well as plant sale info, changes to the programme, and of course the annual show details.
For those of you that aren’t members. We’re a group of plant and garden enthusiasts who meet on the first Monday of the month in Colwall village hall. The meetings start at 7pm with tea and coffee, and a catchup with fellow members. Everyone’s welcome to come along to meetings, membership is £10 for the year or there is a £3.50 visitor fee if you just want to come along to a certain meeting. More details on the programme will follow.
Tomorrow evening’s talk is ‘Gardening through the generations’ by Margaret Thrower the renowned Percy Thrower’s daughter.
Happy gardening to one and all.