On Monday 1st we welcomed Julian Sutton and we were not disappointed. He promised to speak on a modest range of immodestly interesting plants under the title Beneath the Trees; he did, provoking great interest. Indeed, it is unusual to receive as many complimentary comments after a talk as were received in the last week.
There were approximately 80 of us gathered before the talk when several members and visitors made use of the three Interest Points. These were Pests and Diseases, Vegetables and Garden Visits. The latter proved a busy area with several members booking on to either (or both) the local garden visit, evening, and the full day, coach trip to Warwick; neither is yet fully booked.
Julian explained, with the aid of superb photography, how the understorey plants had adapted to the environment created by various types of woodland. Also how knowing the origin of plants and their climatic conditions helps us make better decisions on placing certain plants. The ones that come to my mind are the Acers, Japanese Maples, and Chinese woodlanders; they all abhor summer drought, coming from monsoon climates. From small trees and shrubs through perennials and bulbs the presentation was fascinating and educational.
At our March meeting, Monday 7th March we welcome Mary Keen. Mary is a gardener, garden designer of some renown and a writer of books and newspaper articles. Her subject “Loosening up in the garden” will explain, as we get older, how to stay in touch with the times; moving towards naturalism being more fashionable than high maintenance horticulture.
Come early; make/meet friends and discuss your gardening interests and challenges. There are many experienced and knowledgeable gardeners who are happy to answer questions. Membership is £12.00; visitors are charged £4.00.