August Meeting – Plants Grow in Dirt



Our next meeting, on Monday 6th August, is given by Bob Brown.  Entitled ‘Plants Grow in Dirt‘ it is a thought provoking look into the realities of growing plants and gardening.  For generations we were advised by our elders how to garden, but contemporary gardeners seem to have lost touch with reality.  Bob is promising fireworks!  It will be a fun evening.

Bob Brown is a well known and much admired plantsman.  He established his unique garden and nursery, Cotswold Garden Flowers, at Badsey in 1990 and has been growing rare and specialist plants and selling them to gardeners ever since.

As always the the venue for the evening is Colwall Village Hall and complimentary refreshments will be available from 7:00pm.  Plants will be on sale before the meeting.  Anyone wishing to contribute plants to the plant stall (all proceeds going to the Percy Picton Memorial Fund) is most welcome to.

Tickets for the 32nd Percy Picton Memeorial Lecture will be on sale for the first time.

It is also the last meeting before the Annual Flower and Produce Show which follows on Saturday 11th August at 2pm in the village hall.  So please think about donating tombola prizes and more importantly, which classes you are going to enter in the show!

The evening is free to members or £5 per visitor. Annual membership (which runs from January to December) is £15.