May Meeting – Gardening With and For Wildlife

Victoria Logue

Our next meeting is on Monday 6th May. After last month’s successful Gardeners’ Question Time this month we return to the usual lecture format. Our speaker for the evening is Victoria Logue. Victoria runs a nursery, Whitehall Farmhouse Plants and you may remember her from last year’s GQT. The subject for the evening is Gardening With and For Wildlife. Victoria has a keen interest in ecology in general and a special interest in encouraging beneficial insects in the garden. As a beekeeper herself, Victoria will be sharing her ideas for plants and horticultural techniques that help insects to help us.

Whitehall Farmhouse Plants, which was started by Victoria back in 2003, is a nursery situated high up in the Cotswolds where the plants are used to conditions which are likely to be much harsher than those in your garden.

As usual the the venue for the evening is Colwall Village Hall and complimentary refreshments will be available from 7:00pm. The talk starts at 7.30.

Plants will be on sale before the meeting.  Anyone wishing to contribute plants to the plant stall (all proceeds going to the Percy Picton Memorial Fund) is most welcome to. Thank-you to everyone who helped ensure the hall was left spotless after the meeting.

The evening is free to members or £5 per visitor. Annual membership (which runs from January to December) is £15.