Monday 5th October 2020 at 7.30 pm
Due to Coronavirus restrictions we have had to cancel this year’s PPML. We are delighted to announce that Robin Pearce has agreed to talk about how we can ensure late summer colour in our gardens through the careful use of grasses, ferns and perennials. This is going ahead on Zoom (an online video app) on Monday 5th October at 7.30pm.
Robin Pearce is a very experienced nursery and plantsman. He is an exhibitor and show organiser with decades of judging horticultural exhibits.
If you haven’t already used Zoom as a means of staying in touch with family, friends or work colleagues over the lockdown period, it is easy to download for free onto a lap-top, computer, iPad or smartphone. Click on the link below from 7.25 pm for a 7.30 pm start.
Join Zoom Meeting
Alternatively, open the Zoom app and put in the
meeting ID: 221 141 1489
and password: gardens
We hope as many of you can join us as possible. Posters are up around the village and roundabouts. Please let others know as this is open to members and non members.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
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