Gardens to enjoy in the coming weeks!

I would like to draw your attention to the following gardens that are open.

Sharon Maiden’s garden at Coddinton VIneyard: Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th April, midday till 3pm.

Kay from the WCHS will be there selling plants to raise money for the PPMF so please go along and support this good cause. You are welcome to go around the garden: donations for entry would be accepted.

Two members of the Stoke Lacy gardening club are opening their garden, Dovecote Barn on 8th and 9th May. This is through the NGS so please see the NGS website for booking/visit details. Plants will be on sale with all proceeds going to the Marie Curie and Macmillan nursing funds.

Our own members from the WCHS, Tim and Julie Beaumont, are opening their garden, Sheepcote on Sunday 30th May under the NGS too. Please check the NGS website for booking/visit details.

The Picton Garden at The Old Court Nursery in Colwall is also open for the NGS on a very regular basis from now on. Pre-booking essential.

Lots of wonderful gardens to visit so get out there and enjoy them.

‘New Varieties, Old favourites‘. Our talk this month with Josh Egan-Wyer was most enjoyable and interesting. Josh had lots of energy and enthusiasm for all the plants that he talked about. He gave lots of useful tips for using the plants. For example, using Pittosporums instead of Box – available in great colours and can be clipped into shapes and to size too.

I’m still waiting for Josh to send me the plant list. I have sent him a reminder so will put it up as soon as I receive it!

Don’t forget, the deadline for taking photos for the Spring Show is in a few weeks time, the end of April. Please send your photos to Paul Picton as soon as you are ready. Full details and guidance under the Spring Show tab.

Liz Thomas