77th Summer Flower & Produce Show!! Saturday 14th August in Colwall Village Hall

The Wyche and Colwall Horticultural Society is very happy to announce that the 77th Summer Flower and Produce Show is going ahead in the Village Hall, Colwall at 2pm on Saturday 14th August. Members of the WCHS and residents of Colwall, Mathon and Coddington are warmly invited to join in!

The Schedule and Entry Form can be viewed and downloaded on the Summer Show 2021 tab.

Paper copies of these can be picked up from The Old Court Nursery.

There are contact details of people to ring regarding any queries you have about any of the classes and exhibits in the Schedule.

We have slimmed down the Schedule and plan to change the layout of the hall to allow for more space between the tables. Plant sales, refreshment and raffle etc will be outside and we will restrict the number of people inside the hall. We hope this will allay any concerns that people may have about coming into the hall to enjoy the exhibits.

We hope that people will support this event and hope it will be a lovely chance to catch up with people we haven’t seen for a while. Looking forward to seeing you there!