The AGM starts at 7pm. Please come in time to enjoy a warm glass of mulled wine or apple juice with a mince pie or piece of stollen! As usual, the seats in the hall will be spaced out and windows open.
The Chair and Treasurer’s reports will be available to view on the website after the meeting under the AGM tab.
The live plant workshop with Helen and Ross will start at 7.30pm. Members will know that Helen and Ross are not only members of the WCHS, but run the Old Court Nurseries and Picton Garden in Colwall. They will bring a selection of plants and plant material from the nursery and garden and aim to engage us in discussion. The range and diversity of their plants is always evolving and increasing, so we are in for a treat!
I know that Helen and Ross are keen for this plant workshop to be fun and for as many of us to be involved as possible. It should be an entertaining evening and not just because we will have enjoyed a glass of mulled wine or juice!
You will also be able to renew your membership this evening for just £15!
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