December Meeting and AGM

We hope to see as many of you as possible at the AGM which will start promptly at 7pm on Monday 4th December. The hall will be open from 6.30 pm with refreshments beforehand as usual. We will be electing new members to the committee so please come along and give your support.

All AGM paperwork can be found on the AGM page under the ‘More’ tab.

This includes last year’s minutes as well as the Agenda, Chairman’s Report, Treasurer’s Report and the Audited Accounts for 2023. To save on trees and printing costs, we will only have a few copies of the Agenda and Accounts for people to reference, as opposed to having copies of each for everyone to read in the evening.

There will be a short break between the AGM and our evening talk, “Hellebores” which will start at 7.30 pm.