August meeting – Quiet Roads in Cornwall
Our talk on the 7th August is by Adrian James who will take us for a wander down the ‘Quiet Roads in Cornwall’ no doubt to find some hidden garden gems. Adrian is a gardener and plant photographer and his images are used in magazines and advertising. …
July Meeting – Charles Dowding
Our talk on the 3rd July will be given by Charles Dowding, a proponent of the no dig organic growing movement. Charles will be talking to us about Gardening Myths which is the topic of his latest book. So if you would like an excuse not to clean your p …
June Meeting – Siberian Iris
Have you been wowed by the beautiful irises at the recent RHS Malvern and Chelsea Flower Shows, maybe you have been lucky enough to see the Siberian iris display at Bryans Ground in Herefordshire (above) and are wondering if you could grow Siberian iri …
Gardeners Question Time
Want to know when to prune your fruit trees, what has eaten your prized plant, why your seedlings have died, the best plants for dry shade? Then come to our Gardeners Question Time on Monday 15th May and pose your questions, thorny or otherwise. Questi …

May Meeting: Julian Dowle
Julian Dowle’s 2005 Chelsea Show Garden – photo courtesy of Our talk on the 1st May (yes Bank Holiday Monday) is by Julian Dowle – well known for his popular Chelsea showgardens. Julian’s talk is entitled Country and Cottage …
April Meeting – Auriculas and Primulas
Our talk on the 3rd April is courtesy of Ingrid Millington of Hillview Hardy Plants who will be talking to us about Auriculas and Primulas. The talk will commence at 7:30pm at Colwall Village Hall with refreshments available from 7:00pm. Visitors are …

March Meeting – Gravel Gardening
At our meeting on the 6th March Derry Watkins, of Special Plants Nursery, will be talking to us about Gravel Gardening. Derry is author of two books on gardening and has introduced many plants from her plant collecting trips to South Africa and elsewh …
February meeting – Tales of a Plant Hunter
Photo courtesy of Pan Global Plants Our talk on the 6th February is by Nick Macer, owner of Pan Global Plants. Nick who has spent 25 years collecting plants from around the world will be talking to us about the plants that ‘turn him on’. As eve …
January Meeting – Tales from the Gardener
David Morgan, NGS County Organiser for Worcestershire, will be joining us on the 2nd January to entertain us with tales of honing his gardening skills whilst creating his and his wife, Di’s, garden near Bromsgrove. (as seen in the photo above) The tal …