Tag: gardening
April Meeting – Vegetables for Showing
Its time to start thinking about growing vegetables for the show table and especially our Annual Summer Show on the 9th August. To help our members with tips and advice we have arranged for Clive Bevan to talk to us on 7th April about growing vegetabl …
March Meeting – How to be a rose expert
At the 3rd March meeting we will be entertained by Thomas Sanday, former rose nurseryman, who will tell us how to become rose experts. So if you have questions about the differences between pruning climbers and ramblers, when to feed, or even the diff …
January meeting – Design and The Garden
We start the year off on the evening of the 6th January with a talk by Paul Hervey-Brookes. Paul is a garden designer and has won gold medals at Chelsea and Hampton Court flower shows although his first show garden was at the Malvern Autumn show in 200 …
September meeting – A Rock Gardener’s Eye
Our meeting on the 2nd September (commencing at 7:30pm) will be very appealing to those interested in alpines. Malcolm McGregor, a freelance writer, enthusiastic lecturer on alpine plants and gardening and the editor of the North American Rock …
3rd June Meeting – Water Gardens and Plants
The mysteries of water gardening will be explained to us by Hazel Kaye at our meeting on the 3rd June. Hazel is a nursery woman, plants woman, trained to teach rural studies and is an experienced speaker. She is also a skilled photographer. We will al …
April Meeting – Bulb Competition and Vegetable Growing
Most importantly please note that due to Easter the date of the meeting is the 8th April This month our meeting is two-fold. Firstly, we will be holding the Michael Jefferson-Brown Spring Bulb Competition. There are two classes you can enter: Pot or co …
Review of March Meeting – Pruning, Made Simple
A large and enthusiastic audience attended our March meeting, including some new members and visitors who were particularly welcome. The well-stocked information table included leaflets giving details of NGS garden openings in Herefordshire and Worcest …
Dates for the Diary – March 2013
We thought members might like a reminder of local gardening events that were announced at the meeting on 4th March 7th and 14th March – Snowdrops and Winter Garden, Ragley Hall The gardens at Ragley Hall will be open between 10am and 3pm on the 7th an …
March meeting – Pruning, Making it Simple
Wondering when to prune your Prunus or how to espalier an apple then March’s meeting should help. Geoff Hodge will be giving a practical talk on pruning and hopefully answering all your queries. The talk starts at 7:30pm on 4th March in Colwall Village …