April Meeting – Bulb Competition and Vegetable Growing


Most importantly please note that due to Easter the date of the meeting is the 8th April

This month our meeting is two-fold.

Firstly, we will be holding the Michael Jefferson-Brown Spring Bulb Competition.

There are two classes you can enter:

  1. Pot or container or flowering bulbs, corms or tubers growing in a pot or container
  2. Vase/container of cut flowers grown from bulbs, corms or tubers.

Entries are restricted to one per person and members of the Society only.  Exhibits will be judged on quality and presentation and the Michael Jefferson-Brown Memorial trophy will be awarded for the best overall exhibit.

For those of you who don’t know Michael he was a part chairman of the Society.  He was a prolific breeder of daffodils and lilies which he grew on a bulb farm and won many gold medals for.  Michael also served on RHS committees, wrote, judged and lectured on bulbs.  Sadly he died unexpectedly in 2003 and the competition was set up to remember him.

So why not spend some time over Easter having a look and seeing what you can enter.

The second part of the evening will be a talk from Charles Dowding on Growing Vegetables Without Digging.  Charles is often consulted for advice on creating, maintaining and improving vegetable gardens and allotments.  Charles will open your mind to new possibilities and show the beauty you can create with vegetable growing.  Given the awful season we had last year maybe this is an approach we should all be considering?!

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