A Grand Day Out – Tuesday 17th July 2018

This year our annual Grand Day Out takes place on Tuesday 17th July.  It promises to be a great day with visits to two classic Cotswold Gardens with lunch sandwiched in between.  In the morning we visit Cerney House Gardens near Cheltenham before moving on to Abbey House Gardens in Malmesbury after lunch.

Cost: £25.00 (or with lunch, £32.95) includes coach travel and all garden entries.

Tickets are available from Tim Beaumont at any of our monthly meetings.

Itinerary for the day

9.00 am: leave Colwall Village Hall

10.15am: arrive Cerney House Gardens (coffee included)

“Set around a Victorian walled garden, the gardens are described by Country Living as “what most people aspire to in their gardens – and few achieve””

12 noon: depart Cerney House

12.20pm: arrive Dobbie’s Garden Centre, Cirencester.

Lunch has been especially arranged in The Conservatory, for those who wish, at a cost of £7.95, paid with booking; this consists of a selection of sandwiches, cakes, mini scones & butter, fruit and tea or filter coffee. 

14.00pm: depart Dobbie’s

14.30pm: arrive Abbey House Gardens, Malmsbury

“… the first King of England buried somewhere in the garden, two saints thrown down the well, and now one of the great gardens of the world …”.

(The Carp Cafe is open for those who need further sustenance.)

16.00pm: depart Abbey House Gardens

17.45pm: arrive Colwall Village Hall.