Dear members,
We hope you and your families are staying safe and keeping well in these troubling times. In light of the government restrictions due to Covid-19, the committee has taken the decision to cancel the Grand Day Out and the evening visit.
Our evening visit was due to take place on Monday June 15th. Whilst this date is cancelled, Sidney and Veronica Benjamin have agreed that, depending on government advice at the time, they will consider re-scheduling the evening visit for a date in September 2020. The garden will still be looking lovely at this time. Failing this, we will be welcome to visit ‘Alderley’ in June 2021. We will keep you posted.
Our Grand Day Out on Tuesday 14th July though has been cancelled for 2020. There was a great deal of interest shown in visiting Ampney Brook House and The Coach House Gardens so Meg will kindly re-book these for 2021. Brian, our treasurer has already been able to refund some money for those who have made full or partial payments. Please contact him (details on programme) if needs be or he will brings refunds to our next meeting. Whenever that may be!
The Coach House Gardens
Posting messages on the website is the only way we have of staying in contact with you. Some of you have been on the WCHS website and subscribed to receive notifications when something is posted. If you know of anyone who hasn’t done this, please could you remind them that they can do this by simply going on the homepage of the website and entering their email address.
Keep an eye out for an article written especially for us by Victoria Summerley. Victoria was due to talk to us this month about the ‘Secret Gardens of the Cotswolds’. We are sure you will enjoy reading it and looking at the photos.
At least we have been enjoying some wonderful weather which looks set to continue. Let’s hope it’s not too long before we start to get back to normal.
With very best wishes
Liz Thomas and the WCHS committee.
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