UPDATE: AGM 2020 and ‘Winter Beauties’ talk by Duncan Coombs. Monday 7th December 2020.

The Treasurer’s report 2020 and WCHS Accounts 2020 are now available to view on the AGM tab above.

Just to remind you, the AGM starts at 7pm – members only. We need as many members to join us as possible please. Once the AGM is over, I will admit others to join us for the talk. Log in details below.

There is a vacancy for a new committee so please get in touch with Liz Thomas or any of the committee members if you are interested. Please give this careful consideration as it is important that we find someone to take Geraldine’s place. Contact details can be found on the 2020 yellow programme or email WCHS 1942@aol.com.

The AGM will be followed at 7.30 pm by Duncan Coombs’ talk on ‘Winter Beauties’. This is open to non-members as well as members of the WCHS. Please log in to zoom anytime after 7.25 pm.


Meeting ID: 837 0993 9687

Password: snowdrop

Or click on the link below:


Looking forward to seeing you there!