Seasonal Changes in the Dorothy Clive Garden on Monday June 5th.

Further to last year’s talk by Kathyrn Robey, curator of this wonderful garden in Shropshire, we will have a more detailed look at the seasonal changes there. In a change to the programme, Kathyrn is unable to come but we are very pleased to be welcoming Zdenek Valkou, Head Gardener in her place.

Doors will be open from 7pm as usual for light refreshments and chat. Please come with plenty of cash to support the plant raffle and plant stall. If you are able to bring any good quality plants to sell, thankyou. Please make sure they are labelled and priced. All proceeds from plant sales go to the Percy Picton Memorial Fund.

There are a few tickets left for the Society evening’s visit to the Old Rectory, Eastnor. This is a wonderful garden and a lovely opportunity to chat with friends and meet other members of the Society.

Schedules for this summer’s Annual Flower and Produce Show which takes place on Saturday 12th August will be available. If you didn’t pick up a coleus plant for the Member’s Challenge Class, you will be able to do so.

Looking forward to seeing you there!