Category: Annual Show
Enjoy the photographic entries for our virtual Summer Show.
To enjoy the photos, you can find them by following these 3 simple steps: 1) Click on the ‘links’ tab above. 2) Click on 3) Click on Wyche and Colwall Horticultural Society Thank you to everyone who submitted …
Summer Show – Saturday 10th August
This Saturday is our annual Summer Show. The show is held at the Village Hall in Mill Lane and opens at 2pm and entry is £2. As well as all the marvellous exhibits of flowers, fruit and vegetables to see, there are also entries for photog …
September Meeting – Murder, Magic and Plant Potions in your Garden
Our next talk, on Monday 3rd September, is given by Marion Stainton. Marion is active in a broad range of horticultural projects for domestic, commercial and community gardens and spaces. Her interests are in sustainable, environmentally friendly gar …
August Meeting – Plants Grow in Dirt
Our next meeting, on Monday 6th August, is given by Bob Brown. Entitled ‘Plants Grow in Dirt’ it is a thought provoking look into the realities of growing plants and gardening. For generations we were advised by our elders how to garden, but c …
July Meeting – Pin Me to the Wall…
Our next meeting, on Monday 2nd July, is given by Andrew Mikolajski. Entitled ‘Pin Me to the Wall…and do what you want with me’ it is a fascinating look into the choice and management of wall shrubs and climbers. Andrew has had a long career as auth …
June Meeting – Oxford Botanic Garden
Our next meeting, on Monday 4th June, will be one of the highlights of the year, a talk by Timothy Walker. Tim, always an engaging and entertaining speaker, was until recently the Director of Oxford Botanic Garden and his talk will take us through the …
August meeting – Quiet Roads in Cornwall
Our talk on the 7th August is by Adrian James who will take us for a wander down the ‘Quiet Roads in Cornwall’ no doubt to find some hidden garden gems. Adrian is a gardener and plant photographer and his images are used in magazines and advertising. …
June Meeting – Siberian Iris
Have you been wowed by the beautiful irises at the recent RHS Malvern and Chelsea Flower Shows, maybe you have been lucky enough to see the Siberian iris display at Bryans Ground in Herefordshire (above) and are wondering if you could grow Siberian iri …
Show Reminder and Warwick Coach Trip Review
Cynthia Bussey being presented, at the 2015 show, with the Old Court Nursery Rose Bowl for her perennial flower display Just a reminder that the Annual Show is tomorrow (13th August) at Colwall Village Hall. We would like to thank everyone who has tak …