August Meeting – Bugs & Garden Plagues




Our next meeting is on Monday 5th August and our speaker is Geoff Hodge.

Geoff is a freelance gardening and horticultural writer, author, editor and radio and TV broadcaster living in the UK. His stated aim is to help gardeners get the best from their plants and garden and somewhere be someone you can go to ask plant and gardening questions, solve your problems and get help, hints, tips and advice.

Geoff last spoke to us back in March 2013 on the vital subject of pruning. On this occasion Geoff will be talking about pests and diseases of the garden, who they are and what to do about them. Always an informative and humorous speaker, Geoff’s talk will no doubt make for an entertaining evening.

This meeting is the last one before the Annual Flower and Produce Show to be held on Saturday 10th August in the village hall. There is still plenty of time to consider your entries as the closing date for all categories is Thursday 8th. If you are able to donate something for the Tombola or a raffle prize then please bring contributions along on Monday evening.

As usual the the venue for the evening is Colwall Village Hall and complimentary refreshments will be available from 7:00pm, along with plant sales. Talk starts at 7.30.

Plants will be on sale before the meeting.  Anyone wishing to contribute plants to the plant stall (all proceeds going to the Percy Picton Memorial Fund) is most welcome to. Thank-you to everyone who helped ensure the hall was left spotless after the meeting.

The evening is free to members or £5 per visitor. Annual membership (which runs from January to December) is £15.