March Meeting – Stumperies


Andrew Tolman

Our next meeting is on Monday 2nd March 2020 and our speaker is Andrew Tolman.

Andrew has over 30 years of practical experience in the world of gardening during which time he has developed a passion for topiary, stumperies, ferns and other woodland plants. He has been a member of the Professional Gardeners Guild for 12 plus years and the European Boxwood & Topiary Society for 8 plus years.

Andrew’s talk will touch on the history of stumperies: how to construct one and with what. He will give advice on suitable plants to use from the canopy to the pockets on the ground created by the stumps themselves.

As always the venue for the evening is Colwall Village Hall and complimentary refreshments will be available from 7pm.

Our March meeting sees the return of the ever popular plants sales. Don’t forget to bring some money!

The evening is free to members or £5 per visitor. Annual membership which runs from January to December is £15.