November’s Meeting – The Beth Chatto Gardens with Asa Gregers-Warg.

Our next meeting is on Monday 1st November 2021 in Colwall Village Hall and our speaker is Asa Gregers-Warg. The meeting starts at 7.30pm. We will be holding a raffle but no refreshments. We hope to serve refreshments from December.

Asa Gregers-Warg is Head Gardener at The Beth Chatto Gardens. She started her career in Sweden before moving over here to broaden her horticulture skills and plant knowledge. 

In this talk, Asa will talk about The Beth Chatto Gardens – past, present & future. She’ll reflect on Beth, her own career and philosophy, the history of the garden and how she ended up there. She’ll also talk about the different areas of the gardens, perhaps focusing on recent developments.

The Beth Chatto Gardens are based on the ecological and creative principle of its founder. It aims to provide an inspirational, sustainable and quality experience for all its visitors. Education and enjoyment underpin the gardens philosophy.

We are in for a fascinating and informative evening so please come along and join us! 

You will also be able to renew your subscription for 2022 or join as a member for the first time. The subs remain at £15 for a really exciting and varied programme of talks.

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