August Meeting – Late Summer Hardy Perennials
Our August talk on the 4th August is by Rosy Hardy of Hardy’s plant nursery. Hardy’s will be well-known to any of you that regularly visit the various plant and flower shows around the country. They have won countless medals for their displays includ …
July Meeting – The Restoration of Hestercombe
The next meeting of the Society will be on the 7th July when we will be welcoming David Usher, former Head Gardener at Hestercombe. David was head gardener at Hestercombe for 18 years and will be talking to us about the restoration of the gardens. The …
June meeting – Plants of the Season
Our talk on the 2nd June is by Paul Green of Green Leaves Nursery, near Newent. Paul will give us a practical hands on demonstration about plants for the season. The talk will start at 7:30 and free refreshments are available from 7:00pm. Visi …
May Meeting and the future of Kew
Our speaker on the 5th May is Leila Jackson of T3 Wall End Nursery near Leominster who will be talking to us about Abutilons. Leila, along with her father, Eric Turner, are breeders of Abutilons and Salvias. They regularly have stands at the Malvern S …
Change of Speaker – April Meeting
Unfortunately Clive Bevan is unable to join us on the 7th April as our speaker. However, we are pleased that Mick Poultney has agreed to step in and provide us with a talk on growing vegetables for showing. Mick is Chair of the West Midland District A …
April Meeting – Vegetables for Showing
Its time to start thinking about growing vegetables for the show table and especially our Annual Summer Show on the 9th August. To help our members with tips and advice we have arranged for Clive Bevan to talk to us on 7th April about growing vegetabl …
Members Open Gardens – March 2014
16th March (2 – 5) – Little Malvern Court 10 acres attached to former Benedictine Priory, magnificent views over Severn Valley. Gardens rooms and terrace around house designed and planted in early 1980s; chain of lakes; wide variety of spring bulbs, f …
March Meeting – How to be a rose expert
At the 3rd March meeting we will be entertained by Thomas Sanday, former rose nurseryman, who will tell us how to become rose experts. So if you have questions about the differences between pruning climbers and ramblers, when to feed, or even the diff …
February Meeting – The Creation of Great Dixter and the Life of Christopher Lloyd
Our talk on the 3rd February is by Stephen Anderton on The Creation of Great Dixter and the Life of Christopher Lloyd. Stephen Anderton is an award-winning journalist, author, broadcaster and lecturer, both in the UK and abroad. Stephen has written and …