The WCHS 78th Flower and Produce Show was a great success!
A lovely time was had by all those who entered and attended the WCHS 78th Flower and Produce Show on Saturday 13th August. Despite the high temperatures many people, young and old, came to admire the amazing exhibits across all 4 categories. The villag …
August 2022 Meeting: ‘Branklyn Gardens’ with Jim Jermyn
We are looking forward to welcoming you on Monday 1st August! As well as the usual plant stall and raffle, we will be selling tickets for this year’s Percy Picton Memorial Lecture in October! Bring your card, cash or cheque book! Tickets cost £15. Door …
July 4th 2022: Summertime in Western Scotland with Mary Fenton
On behalf of all the members of the society, who enjoyed a wonderful evening visit a couple of weeks ago, I would like to extend a huge thank you to Sidney and Veronica Benjamin for welcoming us to their fabulous garden. Everyone had a really lovely ev …
There are a few tickets left for the evening visit to the Benjamin’s garden on Monday 20th June.
Sidney and Veronica Benjamin are kindly opening their garden to members of the WCHS on Monday 20th June from 6pm. There are a few tickets left! Tickets cost £5 and include a glass of wine or juice and nibbles. This will be a lovely social evening espec …
June 2022 Meeting: The Way We Were with Doug Stewart.
Our meeting on Monday 6th June is being given by Doug Stewart, a professional horticulturalist and plant enthusiast. Doug will reflect on how gardening has changed over the years from the humble shed to the latest gadget or device designed to make gard …
Evening Visit to the Benjamin’s Garden, Colwall for members of the WCHS. Monday 20th June from 6pm
We are delighted that Sidney and Veronica Benjamin are happy to welcome members of the WCHS to visit their beautiful garden in Colwall. The garden at Alderley is approximately 2 acres and planted for all year-round interest. It contains a large number …
May 2022 meeting: Plants Behaving Badly with Caradoc Doy
Our May meeting on Monday 2nd May will be making us stop and think about the plants we buy. Caradoc Doy is a professional horticulturalist with more than 30 years experience. He is passionate about plants and is a keen supporter of plant conservation o …
April 2022 meeting with Kathryn Robey of The Dorothy Clive Gardens and The Michael Jefferson-Brown Competition!
Our April meeting on Monday 4th April will be enjoyable and interesting as well as full of the sights and scents of spring!! A talk, a competition, plant stall, raffle and a cup of tea or coffee! Kathyrn Robey is curator of The Dorothy Clive Gardens in …
March 2022 meeting with Ben Newell of Worcester Terrariums!
We have a fabulous evening lined up this month! Join us on Monday 7th March from 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start. We are happy to announce that we will be serving tea and coffee so come in time to enjoy a hot drink and buy your tickets for the plant raffle! …