A lovely time was had by all those who entered and attended the WCHS 78th Flower and Produce Show on Saturday 13th August. Despite the high temperatures many people, young and old, came to admire the amazing exhibits across all 4 categories. The village hall was full of some beautiful arrangements made even more remarkable considering the challenging growing conditions we’ve all been up against in recent months! The scout hall housed many delicious vegetables and herbs (including local honey for sale) whilst the Jean Simon Room hosted many delicious bakes and fresh produce as well as the handicrafts. The number of entries into the photography classes were up as people could send them in digitally or bring along a printed photo. There were many lovely and touching photos to enjoy. Thank you for taking part and supporting the show. Special thanks to our younger participants. Your exhibits were fabulous. Try to persuade some of your friends to take part next year.
Scroll down to view some photos from the show!
The show could not take place without the amazing effort put in by Helen Picton to whom we send huge thanks. Helen would be the first to say that she couldn’t do it without the support of so many people. David Taft, the judges and stewards, Lynne for the raffle and tombola, Margaret, Graham and Claire for the teas, Janet for being on the door, all those who made cakes and manned the stalls, Kaye for the plant stall, those who came on Friday to set up and stay to tidy away, Merry for using her horse box to collect the tables…. The list goes on! For ALL those who helped – thank you very much indeed.
Enjoy the photos……

We look forward to celebrating our 79th Flower and Produce Show next August!
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