If you haven’t already done so, it’s now time to start thinking about sending in your photographic entries for our first ever WCHS Spring Show!
All the details for how and where to send your photos can be found under the Spring Show tab above. There are lots of different ways of sending them.
It would make it much easier for Paul Picton if you could caption each photo with the class name and number. Alternatively, you can send a list of the classes you have entered in an email.
Closing date for taking photos is this Friday coming, 30th April.
Closing date for Paul to receive them is midnight on Monday 3rd May.
We will have a zoom celebration evening on Monday 17th May when we will announce the winners, show the winning entries and award a few prizes! Entries will be available to view online soon after.
Details of how to join the celebration will be sent out the week before.
We look forward to seeing your entries.
Hope to see on zoom for our Monday 3rd May meeting, ‘A year in Pots’ with Harriet Rycroft.
Enjoy your gardens or simply being outside.
Liz Thomas (chair) on behalf of the WCHS committee
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